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tv   The Early Show  CBS  July 13, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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take on france. >> we'll see you at noon. >> caption colorado, llc good morning. airline security scare. a new report finds more than 25,000 security breaches at u.s. airports in the last ten years. now congress is asking how is this possible? we will go live to capitol hill for the latest on the alarming numbers. plan b. republicans push forward a short-term solution to the deadlocked debt him talks's president obama issues an urgent call for an agreement. >> we should not be leaving an issue of this magnitude that affects the world economy, as well as the american economy to the last minute. >> we will have more of scott pelley's interview with the president and get the latest on the debt negotiations. summer scorcher. that mass i've heat wave continues to bake the midwest and south as millions endure another day of triple digit
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temperatures. we will have your forecast to see if there is any relief in sight "early" this wednesday morning, july 13th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning. welcome to "the early show" here on a wednesday morning. boy, if you were hot yesterday. >> yeah. >> hot again today. >> indeed, you are. find somewhere cool, hydrate well. maybe find a pool. good morning. i'm erica hill along with chris wragge. we feel like a broken record. could today be the battle over this debt ceiling and the deficit -- it's about to get personal for many americans, because the president tells scott pelley billions of dollars in benefits, talking social security checks and veterans benefits and disability checks may not go out next month if a deal is not reached. scott is going to be with us this morning with more on that candid talk from the president. first, alarming news about
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airport security in this country. despite the hitedened security in the ten years since 9/11 this nation's air transportation system continues to suffer disturbing number of security breaches. one congressman calls the tsa, quote, a real mess. congressional correspondent nancy cordes is on capitol hill with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, chris. the figures come from homeland security documents that are going to be released in full at this hearing held on capitol hill later today. and they reveal a wide array of security let-downs at the nation's airports. take, for instance, last friday's incident when a stun gun was found on a jetblue plane that landed in newark, new jersey. >> so surprising in today's day and age that post-9/11 that that could happen. >> right. >> meaner how? how? >> reporter: how is the question. just how does a stun gun get on a plane? or how did a man stole away on a
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virgin american flight from new york last month after getting through three layers of security without a valid boarding pass or identification? homeland security documents show there have been more than 25,000 security breaches at u.s. airports since november 2001. that's an average of seven a day. more than 6,000 passengers have made it past security without being properly screened. and 14,000 passengers entered limited access areas without permission. like this man who walked the wrong way through security at newark's liberty airport in january of 2010. now, the tsa points out that these breaches represent just a tiny fraction of the 5.5 billion people who have been screened in this country since november of 2001. and they insist that most of these incidents did not pose a security threat. chris? amazing when you hear the numbers. it's tough to get a bottle of water through tsa these days. what are lawmakers looking to
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accomplish with these hearings? >> essentially, they want to know if we have gotten our money's worth for all of the money we have spent increasing airport security since 9/11. they want to know if we have the right priorities. are we screening bags at the expense of screening passengers properly so they really want to see what the vulnerabilities are and what can be done to fix them. >> cbs' nancy cordes on capitol hill for us, thank you. for the fourth straight day, president obama and congressional leaders will convene at the white house to try to break an impasse in the debt sealing talks. so far, progress remains elusive. yes, democrats failed to get republicans to agree to new revenues as senate minority leader mitch mcconnell allowing the president to raise the debt limit three times without cutting spending. yesterday, president obama sat down with scott pelley for an in-depth conversation. scott, good to see you this morning from washington.
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>> great-to-to see you morning, eri erica. the president appeared in the interview determined he and the leaders from congress can still get a deal in place in time but he kept the pressure on republicans. there has been a lot of heated rhetoric in all of this. one of the things the president told us yesterday was that he couldn't guarantee social security checks will go out in august if there is no deal. for their part, the republicans fired back. senator mitchell mcconnell didn't believe any solution could be found as long as mr. obama was still in the white house. do you regret any of the things that you've said in all of this? >> no. i think i've been pretty restrained. >> well, you toll the congress they don't the work as well as your daughters do their homework. >> i said they procrastinate and that is absolutely true. i don't think i would get any dispute about that anywhere in the country. the fact of the matter is we should not be leaving an issue of this magna tut that affects
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the world economy, as well as the american economy to the last minute. and, yet, congress observe leaves things to the last minute and engaged in the kind of brinkmanship that is i think is pretty sdang russ. >> tell meese about these meetings you are having. have there been raised voices, tense moments? >> you know, i think everybody has been professional and everybody has been polite. but i think that what we haven't seen is a recognition that, at a certain point, you leave politics aside, you set aside what gives you a tactical advantage at any given moment. you leave out your ideological predispositions and you just try to figure out a problem and i think the vast majority of people across the country are looking to washington to see if we can finally do something that we say is important that people agree is important, but requires
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some courage and some tough choices. >> ronald reagan and tip o'neill were on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but they respected each other, they liked each other and they got things done. do you like speaker boehner? >> i do. and i think john would like to do the right thing. >> do you trust him? >> i do trust that when john tells me something, he means it. i think that his challenge right now is inside his caucus. i think his challenge is that a party that has, you know, gained power making very hard, you know, ideological statements that they are having trouble now because they are kind of boxed in. >> can you tell the folks at home that no matter what happens, the social security checks are going to go out on august the 3rd? there are about $20 billion worth of social security checks that have to go out the day after the government is supposedly going to go into
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default. >> well, this is not just a matter of social security checks. these are veteran checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. there are about 70 million checks that go out each month. >> can you guarantee as president the checks will go out on august the 3rd? >> i cannot guarantee that those checks go out on august 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it. >> the republican leader in the senate said that they can't do business with you as long as you occupy this house, there will be no deal. >> well, then he is going to have to explain to me how it is that we're going to avoid default, because i'm going to be president here for at least another year and a half and i don't think the american people would expect that the leader of the republican party and the senate would simply say we're not going to do business with the president of the united states. >> how optimistic are you that a deal can be done?
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time is running out. >> i think we can get it done. this is not a technical problem at this point. we know that we're going to have to make some cuts. and i've already said that we should be making at least a trillion dollars worth of spending cuts. i've already -- i've already identified cuts where, you know, basic core functions of government can continue and make adjustments in education and in basic research and infrastructure. but still live within our means. we know we have to change entitlements and we know we need revenues if we want a big package to solve the deal. now, if it turns out that the other side won't budge on anything, then we're going to be here every day until we get this done. >> senator mcconnell's proposal we mentioned brieflily at the top came after he sat down with the president. what do the white house and other leaders saying about it this morning? >> well, there's a sense of
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relief. you can almost feel it all across washington today, erica. because senator mcconnell's proposal would help them step back from the brink. the president's spokesperson jay carney said yesterday that default is not an option and they said some positive things about senator mcconnell's proposal. so everyone today is debating that proposal, but there is a sense that it lets some of the pressure off and may help the country avoid default. >> so in some ways, it seems to let some of the pressure off politically because even though the president told you it's time to set politics aside, neither party wants to be the one that causes the u.s. to default. you say a sense of relief. does it seem like a compromise may be on the horizon? >> well, the problem here is trying to get a deal of this magnitude done in this period of time. i mean, think about what they are talking about. they are talking about tax policy, reforming social security, reforming medicare, deep cuts in defense spending, and they need to get it all done
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by the end of next week in order to give congress enough time to pass the legislation that would enable all of that. a lot of people looking at this have thought that it's impossible and so this would be an option that would prevent the country from defaulting on its debts on august the 2nd and allow the talks to continue. but these are very contentious issues that haven't been solvso the last few years. >> how did the president seem to you was he anxious, frustrated? >> i would say neither. he never betrays anger at least to reporters. he's a very cool, low bl pressured kind of guy. he did seem a little bit tired, i will admit that. he seemed a little bit tired and seemed like he had been working very hard.
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he was planning to go to a medal of honor presentation a little bit later in the afternoon there at the white house. he was looking forward to that. but he seemed very determined and absolutely sticking to his guns and a little bit tired after all these negotiations that are going on, as you know, every day now. >> not surprising he would be tired after that. scott, check in with you later in the show for more of that interview. >> great to be with you. thank you. now let's check in with jeff glor at the news desk with another check of today's headlines. new push for better food for kids. healthier meals are coming to 19 fast food chains. nationwide at least 15,000 restaurants will take part in today's announcement including burger king, i-hop and chilies. all of the restaurants will have at least one menu item of no more than 600 calories plus a side dish of 200 calories or less. couple of new developments
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in britain's phone hacking scandal this morning. news corporation owned by rupert murdoch announced it is dropping a bid to buy a broadcasting company after growing opposition from lawmakers. in the meantime, today, prime minister david cameron vowed to investigate whether phone hackers targeted 9/11 victims. thousands turn out in afghanistan for the funeral of ahmed wali karzai. the president went openly during that burial. climbing inside the grave to help move his brother's body at one point. karzai was mureded yesterday by a trusted family guard. on the way to the the funeral two roadside bombs was the target but no one hurt. a second memorial service tonight in michigan for betty ford who died friday at 93 was mourned at funeral services yesterday in palm desert, california. among those attending first ladies rosalynn carter and
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michelle obama and nancy reagan and former president george w. bush was also there. the national league in the all-star game won for the second year in a row. the brewers prince fielder got mf honomvp honors for this home. 14 minutes past the hour. now here is chris. >> the game has to mean something. a blistering heat wave from texas all the way to the east coast. while parts of the northeast which got hit with triple digit temperatures yesterday will finally see some relief today. cbs' betty nguyen is in times square with us today with more. >> hi there, chris. >> reporter: we have been lucky in new york. only seen temperatures in the high 90s. but in the plain states, this heat wave is feeling one of the worst droughts that many have seen in decades. crippling heat gripped half of the nation tuesday, as the national weather service issued
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heat warnings or advisories for 24 states. stretching from the east coast to texas and the plains. >> we're still expecting highs from 100 to 104 degrees. >> reporter: in oklahoma, residents are experiencing soaring triple digit temperatures that are forecast to stay there for at least another ten days. in texas, dallas saw 100-degree temps for an 11th straight day. the ground is so dry, it cracked water pipes and flooding neighborhoods. this is one of the driest years rancher jerry has seen in his 50-year career in the cattle business. the dry, dead fields are forcing him to sell almost half of his livestock. >> if we could get some rains right away and get some green grass to grow, why it may look a whole lot different but right now, it looks real bleak. >> reporter: the economic downturn is turning up the heat on those trying to cool off. nearly half of the public pools in sacramento have been closed due to budget cuts leaving some very unhappy campers.
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>> i'm here and now we can't. >> because it's on a budget. >> reporter: when it's hot on the ground, it is worse on the roof. the materials used by these construction workers attract the heat making for stifling working conditions. >> i say about 130, 135 degrees at least up there right now. >> reporter: the intense heat can be dangerous. and medical professionals warn >> tha
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thanks so much. that's your your latest weather. now over to erica and chris. >> good morning. >> good morning. still ahead this hour, a father of four risked life and limb literally to save those around him and now being honored for his courage under fire. the story of the newest holder of the the medal of honor. >> this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. new neutrogena® wet skin kids.
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still to come this morning, gas prices, on the rise again. we'll hear from oil tie cont. boone pickens about reducing this country's dependence on foreign oil. >> he'll say it will decrease dependence and create half a million jobs. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by aveeno, discover the power of active
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[ kara ] over three thousand entered, ♪ ten were named semi-finalists, ♪ five made it to times square, ♪ one rose above the rest. ♪ congratulations to courtney reid the winner of this year's folgers jingle contest. ♪
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no injuries in a two- alarm house fire on the peninsula this morning.... the fire on mount vern good morning. there are no injuries in a two alarm house fire on the peninsula this morning. the fire on mount vernon lane in atherton apparently started in a bedroom and then spread to the attic. no word on what caused it. but most of the damage was caused by smoke and water. former san francisco 49ers star quarterback joe montana got a thumbs-up in santa clara. montana is working on a hotel complex near the proposed 49ers stadium in santa clara. the city council is giving him exclusive negotiating rights for one year. and by the time school starts, concord is expected to have a daytime curfew for children in place. the city council voted unanimously for the plan yesterday. students caught skipping school can be fined 100 the first time
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and even more if they get caught again. their parents could also have to pay a fine. a check of traffic and weather right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. i'm gianna in the traffic center. a backup at the bay bridge. at last check back to the west
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ground in the cash lanes so slow and go, metering lights are on. 880 not too bad. extra volume northbound into olympic. still clear southbound into hayward. slows after that. altamont pass busy 30 minutes from the altamont pass to 680 westbound. and if you are headed through san jose northbound 280 starting to get busy. that's a look at your drive. here's kristy with your forecast. >> thanks a lot, gianna. those commuters out there might have their windshield wipers on now. another morning of drizzle around the bay area, overcast conditions as you can see here from our roof cam, a little bit great out there. there will be some clearing inland. highs today will be similar to yesterday. 70s inland, 60s at the bay shores, and 50 at the coast. certainly breezy at the coast as well and may see drizzle there through the afternoon. extended forecast showing that we are going to keep the trend for the next couple of days and then we will start to warm up for saturday and sunday and really start to see significant warming for monday and tuesday getting those numbers much closer to where they should be for this time year at that point. looking at temperatures in the warmest spots in the mid to high 80s. ,,,,
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[ female announcer ] this is the story of eves. [ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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welcome back to "the early show," half past the hour now and just ahead, a real american hero, talk about a proud moment for sergeant leroy petri awardrd the medal of honor at the white house tuesday. >> only the second time awarded to a living recipient. the story about how he earned that medal, the courage under fire displayed by this young man, just when you think you've done something with your life you hear this. >> incredible human being. >> a different breed for sure. first jeff glor is the at the news desk with a look at the top headlines. >> good morning to you. new concerns about security at the nation's airports. homeland security reports a startling number of security breaches in the past ten years.
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documents prepared for congress show more than 25,000 security breaches since november 2001, that's an average of about seven per day, that said, since the 9/11 attacks, 5.5 billion airline passengers have been screened. president obama's re-election campaign said in month
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you probably notice gas prices are going up once again, since the start of july the average price at the pump is up a dime at the gallon in spite of the white house releasing from our we parole yum reserve. rebecca jarvis spoke about this with t. boone pickens. good morning. >> good morning, and boone pickens says that washington has spent 40 years talking about getting america off its addiction to foreign oil but has
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done almost nothing to achieve that goal. washington's answer to higher oil has been to release 30 million barrels from the spr. you're laughing, why? >> of course i'm laughing. is that a solution? that's not a solution. you're just taking oil out of storage and putting it on the market and there wasn't even a real interest in buying it. most of the oil went in the hands of traders and went into storage in tankers. >> so it's not doing anything. prices are now back where they were before. >> really. >> the announcement, yes. you're not surprised by that. what do you think then prices will be by the end of this year? will they be above 100 bucks a barrel again? >> probably. i think you'll hit, you'll be very high in the first half of next year. >> very high meaning? >> you'll be back up to $125, $150. >> so consumers back to paying $4 a gallon? >> you'll be over $4 a gallon. i'd say $5 is going to be pretty
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tough to handle. >> when do we see that? >> you could see it next year. >> $5 next year? >> you could see $5. >> pickens estimates the u.s. will buy $2.2 trillion in oil from opec over the next ten years but he's pushing washington to pass an energy policy to replace the oil we import with natural gas. >> the cheapest natural gas in the world is in the united states. i mean, we're fools not to use it, but i can tell you, if you don't spend it on your own resource you're going to spend it on opec's resource. this also creates jobs. >> how many jobs? >> the answer is it will be 500,000 minimum. >> half a million jobs and our foreign oil addiction cured, that is a big deal if it plays out the way boone pickens believes it will. in the coming weeks the risks and rewards of natural gas and the big boom it's had in the economy. there's more and more discussion
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about whether or not this is a buyable solution to the energy problems. >> how realistic could the country morph to natural gas? is this something that could realistically happen? >> realistically we're a ways from it. right now natural gas in heating and cooling our homes. some 18-wheeler trucks already are using natural gas as the fluid that runs them, for example they have a choice between diesel and natural gas. some of them use natural gas, even some cars in this country believe it or not run on natural gas but there's only one car that's made and marketed in this car that runs on natural gas, a honda. look at europe right now, every major automaker, including the american automakers make natural gas operated cars, so we're a ways from actually having them come here and build a car for americans, because americans aren't demanding that car just yet. >> paying $3.65 for a gallon to i guess fill up a natural gas car, what are we looking at? >> there's a big difference here and right now, the difference is so significant, boone was
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telling me he drives one of these cars, it's a honda car and it's $27,000, it cost him less than $1 a gallon to fill up his car. now that said, the more popular, if this were to become popular the more popular it gets the more we demand the supply, price would go up. >> what's keeping us from moving in that direction? >> there are significant risks according to the critics, environmentalists to extracting the natural gas from the ground and in addition to that, there's obviously a lot around any kind of energy policy in this country any time energy comes up, it is a political hot button issue but right now boone tick pickens has bipartisan support for the plan he's pushing. >> this is something, this is a focal point of his for a long time. good stuff. >> thanks. up next the newest medal of honor recipient, saved two fellow soldiers in afghanistan. his story is amazing, when we come back. this is "the early show" on cbs.
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the word hero gets used a lot.
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we talk about a sports figure or movie star being a hero to someone. in the decades since the vietnam war ended just one living soldier had been awarded this nation's highest military decoration, the medal of honor. that changed yesterday. david martin with a remarkable story of self-less courage. >> reporter: sergeant leroy petry was a little more than uncomfortable being held up a hero. >> to be singled out is humbling. i consider every one of our men and women in uniform serving here, abroad to be our heroes. >> reporter: a short time earlier his commander in chief awarded him the nation's highest honor and described how he earned it during a raid three years ago in afghanistan. between another army ranger while moving through the courtyard of a compound. >> that's when the enemy opens up with their ak-47s.
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leroy is hit in both legs. he's bleeding badly but he summons the strength to lead the other ranger to cover behind the chicken coop. >> reporter: joined by a third ranger he was pinned down behind the coop. >> his two comrades are wounded and a second grenade lands, this time only a few feet away. >> reporter: petry figured he had four and a half seconds before the grenade went off. >> every human impulse would tell someone to turn away, instead this wounded ranger, this 28-year-old man with his whole life ahead of him, this husband and father of four, did something extraordinary. he lunged forward toward the live grenade. he picked it up, he cocked his arm to throw it back. >> reporter: he had just released it when it exploded.
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>> leroy saved his two ranger brothers. they are with us today. his valor came with a price. the force of the blast took relloy's right hand, shrapnel riddled his body. >> reporter: you can see the artificial right hand he now wears. what you can't see is what's engraved on it. he showed the president. >> on it are the names of the fallen rangers from the 75th regiment. they are quite literally part of him. >> reporter: being a hero may make him uncomfortable but leroy petry can't get enough of being a soldier. since he was wounded he's reenlisted and gone back to afghanistan, his eighth combat tour. david martin cbs news, the pentagon. >> eight tours, talk about a family so proud, kids so proud of dad, just -- could you watch that all day. >> he's an incredible human
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being, so self-less and the definition of a hero. >> without a doubt. if you want to get paid to lose weight or quit smoking all you may need to do is work for the right company. a growing number of them are actually paying folks to get healthy. details on corporate wellness programs when "the early show" continues.
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you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make today the day you talk to your rheumatologist. and ask how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. in this morning's "healthwatch" corporate wellness programs. health care programs are up 8%, costing companies and workers about $11,000 a person, helps explain companies paying employees to get healthy. elaine quijano has this report. >> my entire life my weight has been an issue, up and down battle. >> reporter: less than two years ago 46-year-old donna sharples weighed 275 pounds and suffered from health problems.
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this year her employer the phh corporation pays workers up to $1,000 a year to make measurable improvements to their health. >> i didn't think i'd gain any other benefit but the chance to earn extra cash was a motivating factor. >> reporter: it's called incentive-based health care. >> it is a win/win. >> reporter: adele barbato says the program benefits the worker and the company as employees get healthier medical costs go down. >> we have less claims cost, we have less sick time, higher productivity, more engaged employees because they're feeling good about taking control of their wellness. >> reporter: and it really works, for every dollar a company spends on a corporate wellness program, there is a $3 to $6 return on investment. at this company the path to wellness starts with a few simple steps literally. >> here's my pedometer.
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>> reporter: every step is counted. the more you walk, the more money you get. >> in the beginning i was lucky if i could walk for five minutes straight on the treadmill when i first started coming up here. i stuck with it and each day tried to add a little more time and increased as much as i could. >> reporter: keeping track of your progress is simple, plug the pedometer into your pc. >> today, 4,313,000 steps. >> reporter: employees can earn credit for being active in other ways like this cardioclass at the on site gym, in the middle of the work day. and the focus on wellness extends to the cafeteria, which offers fresh healthy choices. for donna sharples it's transformed her in a more fundamental way. one step at a time. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> a recent survey found 58% of
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employers offer cash, premium discounts to drive behaviors, up 6% from last year. stay with us, we'll be right back, this is "the early show" on cbs. >> "healthwatch" sponsored by citracal gummies, a great way to get your calcium plus vitamin d. new citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. but not your wrinkles. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula smoothes wrinkles in just one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. [ gertrude ] you do look good. [ maude ] well...if you insist. [ norma ] how can i say "no" to you? [ betsy ] you know my weakness. [ gertrude ] real good. [ norma ] you're so sweet. [ maude ] you're so salty. [ betsy ] irresistible.
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[ female announcer ] giving in to snacks? there's a better way to satisfy your cravings, twice a day with special k. enjoy something sweet... and something salty and still stay on track. ♪ so go ahead and embrace snacking with special k.
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i hang my head out the window. oh man, we're delivering everything you can think of: plywood, cement. i, i enjoy the breeze on my tongue. well uh, and every weekend, seems like we're headin' down to the lake. we're pullin' a boat or somethin'. i don't know why. i just do. it's not a problem. i don't mind as long as we always stop at chevron and get that techron stuff. my ears flop around too. check it out. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. it's hard work; i need a nap.
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no injuries this morning in a two- alarm house fire in atherton. the it is 7:55. time for news headlines center cbs 5. no injuries in a two alarm house fire in atherton on mount vernon lane. it started in a bedroom and spread to the attic. no word on the cause. the san mateo county fire department says most of the damage was from smoke and water. today city of oakland parks officials will consider options for a proposed dog park. there's been a battle over two possible locations. parks official will either end up choosing one or no dog park at all. and a victory for former 49ers quarterback joe montana in the santa clara city council chambers. councilmembers last night agreed to give his investment group an exclusive negotiating agreement for city-owned property near the proposed
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49ers stadium. montana and his colleagues want to build an entertainment complex including a luxury hotel, a restaurant and a sports bar. traffic and weather coming up right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. if you're heading to the lower deck of the bay bridge you'll have delays because of an accident eastbound skyway at
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7th blocking the right lane. delays along the central freeway as well as a result. so slow through there. southbound 680 at rudgear accident blocking lanes. northbound slow as well as 680 sluggish through walnut creek. also 280 northbound slow through downtown san jose. the san mateo bridge not too bad. seeing drizzle on the cameras so slick surfaces. take it slow. that's traffic. here's kristy with your forecast. thanks a lot, gianna. another overcast day this morning. probably seeing cloud cover and even some drizzle out there as you go outside. we'll continue to see these conditions at the coast for the day although sunshine in store inland. highs for today, 70s inland, 60s along the bay shores, keeping it cool at the coast in the mid-50s certainly breezy there, as well. and these types of conditions persisting for the next couple of days and then we warm up into the weekend by monday and tuesday, finally getting closer to where we should be for this time year in the mid to high
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80s. ,, ,,,,,,
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well, the situation seems to look worse by the day for media mogul rupert murdoch. this morning there is new pressure for him to drop his plans for purchasing a broadcasting company there. we'll go to london for all the latest in a bit. first, we welcome you back to the "early show." i'm chris wragge along with erica hill. >> the language is becoming a little bit more clear, perhaps a little more concrete for the rest of us during these ongoing debates in washington. the president says billions of benefits may not go out next month, then the threat of a national default. many see this as a political game of chicken and many americans are growing weary of the games.
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cbs evening news anchor scott pelley sat down with a one on one with president obama on tuesday. he joins us this morning from washington with more of that conversation. good morning once again, scott. >> good morning, erica. although it appears democrats and republicans are at a standstill when it comes to preventing default on the nation's debts, president obama insisted that he believes he can get it done. and when we asked the president for specifics about how to close the deal and how many democrats were on board, this is what he had to say. >> what i'm offering is a way for us to finally solve this debt and deficit problem in a serious way with substantial cuts in discretionary spending, substantial cuts in defense spending, substantial changes to entitlements like medicare and social security that would stabilize those programs and make them available for the next generation. and what i'm asking in return from the republicans is that people like myself who can
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afford it, that millionaires and billionaires or corporate jet owners or oil companies, put a little bit of revenue in so that we don't have to put the entire burden of dealing with this debt on the backs of middle class families and seniors and students and poor kids. >> you can deliver the democrats? >> i'm absolutely positive that the democrats are willing to compromise. that doesn't mean i'm going to get 100% of democrats because you don't get 100% of anything around here. and yes, there's going to be resistance in my party traditionally to any changes in entitlement programs. but what i've said very clearly and repeatedly to the republicans and i've said it to harry reid and to nancy pelosi, the democratic leaders on capitol hill, is that we have to be willing to take on some of our sacred cows to solve the problem. >> scott, the president once again saying there that he's asking both sides to give up something to take on those
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sacred cows. is there a sense at all this morning of which side may make that move first? >> well, there isn't. both sides are still using the same heated rhetoric that we've heard over the last few days. one of the interesting things about this, of course, erica s that every day the president gets the leadership of the house and the senate down to the white house and they all have a meeting, but the question becomes who are they leading? the president was just saying in the interview that he believed that he could get enough democrats to vote for this proposal. but on the republican side, they're having a good deal of trouble because there are a lot of republicans in the house, particularly freshmen republicans who were just elected in this last midterm election who are saying that they will not raise the debt limit, they will not raise taxes under any circumstances, and it's not at all clear that the republican leadership can bring them along to a deal. so these are difficult days in washington where there's a great deal of disagreement within the
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parties themselves. >> when you bring up the freshmen, republicans sort of driving the agenda here. there's definitely a change in the way things are done in washington, scott. >> it is. you know, way back when sam rayburn was the speaker of the house, the freshman congressman would come in and mr. sam would tell them exactly when he needed to hear from them and exactly how they would be voting on the things that the speak eer wante them to vote on. those days are over. mr. boehner now has a tiger aboutty tail with the tea party faction, with the freshmen republicans who are telling the speaker that they don't like what they're hearing in terms of compromise. >> so just quickly then, scott, is there one particular point person on the republican side that the president is dealing with? is it speaker boehner or perhaps eric cantor is really more vocal. mitch mcconnell put out a proposal. >> well, the republicans are all in these meetings, of course, as you say. it is probably a connection between the president and the house speaker, mr. boehner, that
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is most important because, of course, any legislation coming out of all of this would have to start in the house and so it is the relationship between the president and the speaker that is most important, but, of course, republicans are being heard from on all sides. >> scott pelley, scott, thanks. we'll check in with you later tonight on the evening news. >> great to be with you. thank you. >> now here's chris. >> now that we've heard from president obama, we want to get reaction from the other side of the aisle. joining us is one of the leaders in the pea party movement, jim demint of south carolina. good morning to you. >> good morning. it's good to be with you. >> first talked about mitch mcconnell's new proposal announced last night that would allow the president to raise the debt ceiling three times through 2012. scott pelley mentioned early on there seemed to be a sense of relief in washington this morning. do you have that same sense of relief, and what are your thoughts on senator mcconnell's deal? >> well, republicans weren't elected last november to make it
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easier to spend and borrow and add to our debt. that's not our plan, and, unfortunately, the president, unlike what he just said, has not sent us a proposal. the only thing we've gotten in writing from the president was to increase our debt more than $10 trillion. republicans are working together on a plan. this idea that republicans will not vote to increase the debt limit is wrong. i've been working with house members and senators. we're going to introduce a plan that would give the president an increase in the debt limit, but it's contingent on cutting spending and capping spending over several years and giving the states the opportunity to decide if we're going to balance our budget some time in the next decade. it's a very reasonable proposal, but i think you'll see that coming out of the house in the next few days. >> can i ask a question, what's different about this proposal now? because of course the president has said that democrats are willing to touch entitlements here but republicans have been steadfast in their belief that you cannot raise taxes. so are there any revenue
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measures in this new plan? >> well, history tells us the only way to raise revenues is to get the economy going again, and one of the worst things you can do to the economy is increase taxes on small businesses, which is the group that's in this category that the president's talking about. the top wage earners in america are already paying the highest portion of national taxes of any country in the world, 10% pay over 70%. and what the president's proposing will bring in such a small amount of revenue but doesn't even deal with the problem. so his proposal is totally political. again, he's not made any proposal in writing to deal with entitlements and to deal with any specific cuts. so the president talks a lot, but we can't vote on a speech. what we're going to see as republicans is what i think we should have done a couple of months ago, to put our plan on the table recognizing the need to raise the debt limit. republicans will go along with
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that if we can get significant cuts and move our country towards a balanced budget. >> but is this -- the issue comes back to taxes again. will democrats even remotely agree to anything that the republicans propose that doesn't have any additional revenue, some tax increases? >> i don't know. if they insist on taxes, again, it's just for political reasons. the revenue they're talking about for corporate jets or big oil is such a small amount of money that it's not going to make a difference in our deficit. so what we need to do is get the democrats to agree, first of all, that we're going to balance our budget. every family, every business, almost every state has to do that. once we agree on that, we can sit down and talk about whether or not we're going to raise taxes, whether or not we're going to cut spending in this area or that. and -- but it doesn't make any sense to continue just putting everything on the table that we
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want and then borrowing more money to do it. >> senator jim demint, thank you for taking the time to speak with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> let's
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this weather report sponsored by at&t, rethink possible. thanks so much. that's your latest weather. now here's erica. >> just ahead we'll go to london o for that phone hacking scandal. lawmakers there now putting new pressure on media mogul rupert murdoch. this is the "early show" on cbs. the network -- ] a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say.
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rupert murdoch has stepped down. news corp announcing it is dropping its bid for bskyb. as details were announced of a judicial inquiry. >> he makes an extremely powerful point. >> reporter: british prime minister david cameron is today trying to stop the political hemorrhaging of a controversy shaking his government. today taking the unusual step of siding with opposition parties against rupert murder ok -- murh and his empire. the judicial inquiry will examine relationships between media and police and politicians in the wake of the "news of the world" phone hacking scandal. tuesday a parliamentary committee grilled senior police officers who were under fire for not properly investigating the hacking allegations when they first surfaced in 2005. and whether officers took bribes from murdoch's newspapers. >> did you ever receive payment
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from any news -- >> good god, absolutely not. i can't believe you suggested that. no, come on. chairman, that's not fair. >> order, order. >> that's not fair. >> reporter: this committee is requesting that murdoch now appear and give his answers along with his son james and news international chief rebecca brooks. the murdoches could refuse. brook, a british citizen, can be legally compelled. and just as british parliament united in a call on murdoch to withdraw his bid for control of pay tv company bskyb, the wily media tycoon struck preemptively. he announced he was withdrawing his bid. today he surprised everyone with this statement from news corp, quote, we believe it's too difficult for the bid to progress and it is being read here as a humiliation for murdoch. we should also note that news corp's announcement came out at the precise moment that prime
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minister cameron was sitting down to meet the family of milly doweler that sparked this controversy in the first place. >> interesting timing indeed. what's the reaction to this rather new developmr%] at this point? >> well, many people say it doesn't change anything. murdoch can re-introduce his bid later potentially in the criminal and parliamentary inquiries will continue regardless into the alleged wrongdoing by his newspapers and there may be a debate should he even own the portion of bskyb that he already has. it's a scandal that's just getting traction in many respects. >> really just the beginning. thanks so much. just ahead, she was a very different kind of first lady. and boy, did she have an impact. at her funeral on tuesday, betty ford was remembered as a courageous trail blazer. we'll give you a closer look at that service. who was there, what they had to say about her. ahead. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.
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naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. [ female announcer ] real fruit... means real fruit smoothies from mccafé. real delicious and made just for you. ♪
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real delicious and made just for you. friends and family bid
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farewell to betty ford at her funeral on tuesday in palm desert, california. the church was filled with current and former residents of the white house with names like obama, bush, carter, ford, nixon and johnson and it was an appropriately bipartisan tribute to a unique former first lady. bill whitaker has this report. >> reporter: from late afternoon 'til early morning, people who remembered or admired were touched or inspired by betty ford filed past her casket to pay their respects. >> she was traditional, but she wasn't afraid to speak up for what she believed in. ♪ amazing grace >> reporter: if a woman is known by the company she keeps the broad spectrum of people who came to pay tribute defined betty ford. following her wishes, her funeral was bipartisan, democrats and republicans side by side, as unlikely as it seems, after democrat jimmy carter took the white house from republican gerald ford, the
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families became fast friends, rosalyn carter bid farewell to her outspoken friend. >> she got some criticisms, i thought she was wonderful and her honesty gave hope to others every single day. >> reporter: general list cokie roberts father was leader of house democrats when gerald ford led the gop. they were friends, unheard of in the hyperpartisan capitol today. >> that friendship made governing possible. they weren't questioning each other's motives, much less their commitment to the country. >> reporter: but her greatest influence was cultural when few dared utter the word cancer, betty ford was outspoken about her mastectomy. she started the betty ford clinic after revealing her own addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol. today the body of betty ford will be blown to grand rapids, michigan, where on thursday she will be interred next to her husband at the gerald ford
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presidential museum. bill whitaker, cbs news, palm,,,
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no charges will be filed against the college student who refused to pull his pull u good morning. 8:125. i'm grace lee with your news headlines. no charges will be filed against the college student who refused to pull up his parents on a u.s. airways flight. yesterday 70 people protested the arrest of deshon marman. today the san mateo county d.a. says he won't file charges in the case. pg&e says that it wants to be clear that it is not blaming victims for the pipeline explosion. the move comes after a newspaper article said pg&e documents showed the company would assign some of the blame to san bruno residents themselves. and a fundraiser will help cover legal costs for two uc- berkeley alumni who have been detained in iran for two years. tonight's event for shane bauer and josh fattal will be at a photo gallery in san francisco. we have your traffic and weather coming up right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. to the peninsula we go where there is an accident northbound 101 at millbrae on the off- ramp. busy in 101 both directions through millbrae.
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car fire south 880 at a street. it's off to the right shoulder. but we are still seeing a bit of a backup in both directions of 880 as you head to hayward. not too bad though crossing the san mateo bridge. here's a live look at 880 heading into oakland2. 1 minutes from 238 to the maze, 21 minutes. if you are heading to the bay bridge, backed up, metering lights are on. we had a stall earlier on the inclear so slow across the span into san francisco. a little overcast but we are going to see sunshine inland. mix of sun and clouds around the bay today. live look in dublin, you can see the cloud cover. as you look at the temperatures, inland spots mid- 70s, around the bay shores we're looking at 60s. breezy at the coastline today and in the 50s. we'll see some drizzle, as well. continuing with this pattern for the next several days, warming up for the weekend and for the start of the next workweek. ,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "the early show." bottom of the hour. coming up a look ahead to casey anthony's release this weekend. she may change her name and don a disguise. what police may or may provide her with some type of protection
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when she comes out. you have probably seen the trauma of divorce and the effect it can have on a family. the period in which divorce rates peaked, a lot of generation xers are more inclined to stay married, is that a 180 shift? we'll see the reasons for both and what would be the best for you in the relationship. >> two sides to every argument which usually leads to divorce. >> or perhaps a resolution when you talk it out. >> jeff glor with a final check of the headlines. >> agree to disagree. >> there you go. president obama holds a significant fund-raisi raising advantage. over the past three months the obama campaign raised over $47 million and the democratic national campaign over $38 million. the top republican campaign is former massachusetts governor
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mitt romney, he has raised $18 million. newly released home video revealing troubling new details about philip and nancy garrido, the couple who pleaded guilty to kidnapping jaycee dugard and holding her captive for 18 years. this is secret home video between 1988 and 1993, partially blurred by prosecutors but you can see kids in the background, each potential victim and hear the garridos plotting. >> two girls in the sliding door. >> one side of me. >> on your left. >> on my left right now looking at me? >> yeah. >> got real good? >> yes. i can see her really good. >> awful. during her years in captivity, jaycee dugard had two daughters fathered by garrido. rodney king was arrested in southern california in suspicion of driving under the influence, almost 20 years ago the acquittal of three police
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officers who beat king sparked historic rioting in los angeles. burger king and other fast food restaurants are announcing new healthier kid meals, including more fruits and vegetables, less salt, sugar and fat. at least 15,000 restaurants will participate in today's announcement, items with lean proteins, whole grains and low fat dairy products. burgers and fries will still be available. a restaurant in pennsylvania is banning children under the age of 6. the owner of mcdain's restaurant in gulf center near pittsburgh has had too many complaints from customers about crying babies so no longer allowing any young children. >> there is such a pent up disgust and frustration with this issue in terms of people that have had meals disturbed and no one has taken the forefront on this issue. >> pent up disgust with kids.
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>> golf center. >> e-mails 11-1 in favor of the no young kids. >> meanwhile that 6-year-old prodigy can't go to the
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thanks so much. that's your latest weather. over to chris. casey anthony has been behind bars for more than 1,000 days and she's scheduled to be released on sunday but there's a concern about her safety following her acquittal. there are now reports that anthony may change her name or use a disguise. cbs news legal analyst lisa bloom is here with more. she gets released on sunday. what do we expect this process to be like?
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>> yesterday seven members of law enforcement held a press conference and said they had no doubt she was guilty, she lied to them and convicted of that. the same law enforcement agency is entrusted with protecting her safety, moving her to undisclosed location, assessing her threat. the parents received death threats i'm sure she has as well. >> where is she going to get dropped off, like you see in a movie the gates opened up and she's out there waiting for her car to go out. >> all of the media waiting for her release it will be difficult. i would suspect they're going to release her probably in the middle of the night to avoid the media. even that probably won't do it. we don't know where she's going to go and we're not going to know. >> as far as protection is concerned, how long or how much time are the police obligated to make sure she's okay. >> as long as there is a real threat they have to put the past aside and they have to protect
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the young woman, they have to assess the threat on a daily basis and keep her safe. >> her mother, cindy, will not face perjury charges for lying on the state. roger clemens lied on the stand in front of congress, why don't they go after her? >> not surprising in reality perjury is rarely pursued, not just any lying on the stand, it's intentional lying about a material fact, many witnesses change their testimony from prior depositions, that's what cindy did but apparently prosecutors feel they don't have the evidence to convict her and may be tired with the case and ready to turn the page. >> a judge in california ordered the former "survivor" producer to be returned to mexico to face charges for killing his wife while they were on vacation there. is he going to be extradited or not? that's the question now is will he go to mexico or not? >> he has the right to take it up on appeal. bottom line is he's going back to mexico. we have a clear treaty with mexico, hundreds of people are extradited back and forth every year. i think he's going back.
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>> there was talk that his 6-year-old daughter could be called to testify to see if the father ever acted violently towards the mother in the past. >> yeah. >> what do you think with the 6-year-old that's a tough situation. >> children are called to testify especially in domestic violence cases every day. here's the problem. he was alone with her for months after his wife's death. he had an opportunity to influence her. it's also been over a year since the incident so for a 6-year-old to remember back that far it may be difficult. bottom line i wouldn't expect her to testify. >> he claims the mexican officials really rushed to judgment on this. >> we've heard that before. >> any stake to that claim? >> rush to the judgment is a defense. all of the evidence points to that. it's appropriate to focus first on the spouse and radiate out to other levels. all of the evidence seems to point to him. >> that's kind of another sordid
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tale. getting back to casey anthony it will be another zoo. >> i really think it is, going to be interesting to see how law enforcement handles it. a tough challenge for him. >> lisa bloom good to see you as well. divorce rates are now at the lowest levels in 40 years after peaking around 1980. some say it's the result of the so-called generation x. many of them lived through the trauma of divorce as kids in the 0s the the '70s or '80s and vowed to stay married. >> the point that you remember is when your parents sit you down and tell you that they're no longer going to be together. for me it was i had to grow up quickly. i was the man of the house, if you will. go eee. we met in 2002 >> on the internet. >> met on the internet, pioneers. we married in 2004.
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from what i recall, it was a difficult relationship between my mother and father when i was growing up. it was tough on me and tough on my sister as well and laura's experience was couldn't be further from mine. >> we had conversations before we decided to get married about what marriage meant to us and whether that experience shaped any preliminary attitudes about what it means to make that decision. i mean, it's sort of in retrospect ridiculous because you don't know until you're in it. >> it's mutual respect. loyalty, good communication. >> i think that mitch is a really good listener and he's a very natural, amazing dad. >> it has a lot to do with the fact that we got married later. >> i was 36, and mitch was 38. >> 37.
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>> 37. >> i figured a number of things out by the time i was in my 30s, it prepared me for marriage and prepared me for fatherhood. i absolutely did not want to go through divorce, a very painful process for me and i this i that you really see that once you have kids. >> we talked about how our relationship and the way we communicate with each other affects them. >> i think laura and i are both very focused on making our home incredibly comfortable and we spent a lot of time with them. we share responsibilities. >> it gives me a lot of comfort for my kids to feel like it's just home is a really safe environment, where they can just be a kid and not think about anything complicated like relationships. >> joining us with more, psychologist and "early show" contributor dr. jennifer hartstein. >> great to be here. >> why is it genxers are painful thinking of divorce.
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>> it's their worst nightmare come true if they have to get divorced and follow that pattern. they felt the pain as children. they didn't understand it, their parents had to work harder, work more and be less involved with them. >> this is a total 180, so this is the opposite end of the spectrum, no matter what, we're going to stay together. is that the best way to deal with it? >> not necessarily. as she said in the piece you don't know. you make this pact you're never going to get divorced. you want to try to make that commitment. everybody goes into marriage with that being their commitment. you want to keep that as your focal point and work to get through the struggles, talk about the conflicts, work together to make them better, and if you can't, you have to weigh out your options, what is the best choice. >> we talk about this trend that we're seeing and a lot of it is coming from what a lot of the people who are now adults experience as children. if they're staying together in some cases no matter what, how does that affect kids versus divorce? >> it's a catch 22, kids pick up
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on the animosity that happens in their families. they pick up on the acrimony that can be there and it's important for parents to try and still continue to be effective co-parents on the same page and to work out their problems away from their kids, and if they can do that, then great, everybody wins but if they can't and it starts to seep into every other aspect of things then you have to start to think what's in the best interest of anybody this the family not just me and not just my spouse but also our kids, too. >> these are things you study as psychologist, study these divorce trends and why people got divorced whencehey did in the '70s and '80s. were they giving up or did this seem like the best and only option for a lot of people? >> i think it was a very different time. one of the things we notice talking about the statistics, today, 77% of the people being married make it to their ten-year anniversary, that didn't always happen then and they didn't have the options and the outlets and the opportunities to really get the help that they needed. they also got married a lot
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younger, in the '50s people were getting married, men were 23, women were 20 and now in 2009 they found that men were 28, women were 26. i think that's different, too, they got married younger, they grew up together. you might grow to not like that person after a little while. if you're more settled in who you are you might be willing to stay with them longer. >> there's not a checklist you can go through as a couple and say seven out of ten we should get divorced or stay together. there are lessons we can take from the boomers and gen xers. what are they? >> the boomers because of the time, they did a lot more working, they were out of the home, the latchkey kids, kids spent a lot more time raising themselves. parents were more hands off. today the gen xers, more involved, more neurotic. we need to take the pendulum, bring it down to the middle, allow the kids to fall down, pick themselves up and comfort themselves. everybody will be a little bit
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more happier, more settled and less pressure around. >> thanks, erica. a marine currently serving in afghanistan will soon live out his hollywood fantasy. actress mila kunis agreed to go out with him. >> as one of hollywood's brightest stars, mila kunis is used to making headlines. >> every place can be a bit lonely sometimes. >> reporter: but it's the proposition she received on a computer screen that's got everyone buzzing. >> made me look, you can call me scott. i want to take a moment out of my day and invite you to the marine corps ball on november 18th, greenville, north carolina, with yours truly so take a second, think about it, get back to me. >> reporter: sornlg scott moore, marine serving in afghanistan posted the proposal on cue tube on a dare, the ball is an annual event celebrating the founding
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of the marine corps in 1775. kunis, out promoting "friends with benefits" was asked about it during an sbrir with co-star justin timberlake who helped make the case for the marine. >> we're going to work this out. we're going to work this out. >> we're going to make this happen, sir. i'm with you. >> reporter: a friend back home in grove city, pennsylvania, sent moore that clip. he couldn't believe it. but credits his friends and family with getting his video to go viral. >> i was so happy that scott's getting notoriety for doing something fun unlike so many military men and women that have lost their lives. >> reporter: on tuesday, moore released a statement saying, you can't make shots that you don't take so i took the best shot i could. kunis treated "i'm so happy to be going to the marine corps ball." >> i think she's purchased herself a great deal of attention and goodwill at a
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very, very minimal cost. you know the funny part is, she may have a good time. >> reporter: maybe it could even inspire a new romantic comedy, we'll call it the movie star and the marine. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> i love that story. >> it is, nice to the publicist to think it's good publicity. maybe just a nice gesture. >> how about exactly. people doing things because it's the right thing to do and nice thing to do. >> the marine went on to say i joe j.t. one, they're on a nickname one. timberlake moved this along as well. >> come on, do it for your country. very cute. i think they've already started credentialing press for the marine corps ball. >> a big, big event. >> it's great. a farewell to the man who brought us some of the iconic shows and television history. gilligan ring a bell,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip ♪ he created two of the best loved tv series, "gilligan's island" and "the brady bunch." sherwood schwartz died at age 84. he wrote the lyrics to the memorable theme songs. cbs news national correspondent ben tracy looks back. >> skipper. >> what's wrong, gilligan. >> reporter: he may not have been fameis as the characters he created. >> marsha, marsha. >> are the theme songs he wrote. ♪ here's the story of a lovely lady. >> reporter: sherwood schwartz became a household name. "gilligan's island" and "the brady bunch" were pop culture if he nom noen that linger today. >> there wasn't much xla indication to his shows. pure fantasy and escape. >> people know the lyrics to
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"gilligan's island" han know the lyric to the star spangled banner. ♪ just sit right back and you'll hear a tale ♪ ♪ the tale of a fateful trip >> reporter: it was 1964 when schwartz told the tale of seven oddball travelers shipwrecked on a deserted island. >> i close my eyes and feel like i'm on the veranda on the oyster bay yacht club. >> i close my eyes and i get dizzy. >> reporter: the story was simple. >> how seven unrelated people have to learn to get along with each other and i put them on an island because then they were stuck with each other. >> reporte >> reporter: in 1969 he introtuesdayed us to the ultimate blended family. >> hawaii! >> reporter: "the brady bunch" ended in 1974 but its rerun never did. even by the 1990s the show was still a hit. this time in theaters with "the brady bunch" movie. >> dinner's ready. >> my nose.
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>> reporter: barry williams who played greg bady remembers schwartz fondly. >> he probably changed my life more dramatically than any one person. >> reporter: schwartz's shows were adored by tv watchers but panned by critics. >> they did assassinate the show but the show always bounced back strong. >> reporter: it's his words, not the critics that people still remember. ♪ the professor and mary ann here on gig began's island ♪ >> his legacy will be his shows and they go on forever. >> reporter: ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> they don't make them like they used to. >> what snow is more famous? >> "gilligan's island." >> "the brady bunch." >> i would go with gill lan's island. >> who knew it would be the blueprint for "survivor." >> put four perfect strangers on
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a couch in the morning. >> only thing missing is the ,,,,wreck.
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headlines... in about an hour, fa good morning. it is 8:55. i'm elizabeth wenger with your cbs 5 headlines. in about an hour, family and friends will pay their final respects to the fisherman who died in baja, california. he was 63-year-old leslie yee from ceres. he he tired in 2009 after 37 -- retired in 2009 after 37 years at the "chronicle." cal state is boosting a 12% tuition hike yesterday. it also approved a $100,000 raise for the new president of san diego state. and in just a few minutes, team usa will face off against france in the semifinals of the women's world cup soccer. the civic center plaza in san francisco has a huge screen that's showing the match in germany. we have your traffic and weather coming up right after this. ,,,,
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i tell ya, i work a long day, every day. i hang my head out the window. oh man, we're delivering everything you can think of: plywood, cement. i, i enjoy the breeze on my tongue. well uh, and every weekend, seems like we're headin' down to the lake. we're pullin' a boat or somethin'. i don't know why. i just do. it's not a problem. i don't mind as long as we always stop at chevron and get that techron stuff. my ears flop around too. check it out.
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[ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. it's hard work; i need a nap. good morning from the traffic center. 580 westbound as you work your way near macarthur accident blocking the road and you can see on our sensors it's sluggish approaching the scene. slow as well into the maze. elsewhere north 680 at andrade a wreck blocking the road. traffic slow as you approach. 680 seeing delays as well both
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directions as you head in and out of danville. if you are working your way along the golden gate bridge, dreary outside. some drizzle so slick surfaces. use caution, extra volume out of marin county. but check out the bay bridge a much better story. traffic very light. but the metering lights are still on. that's a look at traffic. here's kristy with the forecast. >> thanks. you can see from all those shots outside pretty gray right now. that will continue for the next several hours. plenty of cloud cover throughout the bay area as you can see in this live shot outside in san jose. but we will warm up by this afternoon and mostly in those inland spots where we'll see sunshine, highs today in those locations are going to be in the mid-70s. 60s around the bay shores, cooler at the coast in the mid- 50s, certainly breezy conditions. and we may continue to see morning drizzle linger into the afternoon. now, the next several days we'll see similar conditions to what we are seeing today but we do warm up for the weekend. by the start of next week, we are going to see temperatures close to where we're be for this time year in our inland spots, mid to high 80s.
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